Member Categories: Services and Sporting GoodsMember Tags: camping gear, free travel itineraries, high-quality gear, hiking gear, outdoor gear, outdoor service, renting, travel planning, and vacation
Basecamp Outdoor Gear is a service rather than retail. We rent camping and hiking gear to those wanting to explore the outdoors in the Southwest. We also offer free travel itineraries using our interactive travel planner DetourOn.
Las Vegas locals: Why buy expensive gear that you only use once a year? Rent it instead!
Flying in to La Vegas for a tour of the national parks? Stuffing camping gear into your suitcase can be a hassle. Rent it when you get here.
We keep all of our high quality gear in immaculate shape and thoroughly clean it after each use. We guarantee you’ll have the best camping vacation of your life and come back for many more.No Records Found
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